SEMO Regional K9 Search Team

On October 31, 2009, The Sheriff's K9 Tactical Search Team, which had been in existance since September 2004, passed into history, and the members, except for one dog, one handler and Dan passed into history with it. We continued to conduct searches, and find missing people, mostly for Scott City Police Department, who apparently were the only ones serious about wanting missing people found. We found several for them, mostly jump and run suspects from stolen or pursued vehicles, assault suspects and a few others.

In July of 2011, it was increasingly apparent that Lady was approaching retirement, she turned ten years old, December, 2009, and the decision was made to start training a new dog to assume her duties (no dog could ever really replace Lady). Duchess has her own page elsewhere on this site. An attempt was made to revive interest in the unit, now called the SEMO Regional K9 Search Team, but that was pretty much a failure due to lack of interest, and health issues with the remaining members.

With the health issues resolved by March 2012, we began working with Duchess in earnest, and a few issues with her slowed things down for a bit.

Then, out of the blue, came a request from several experienced dog trainers and search and rescue veterans for a place to continue to train and work their dogs.

We at SEMO Regional K9 Search Team were elated to provide this training venue. We have had several very productive training sessions, and have progressed to the point that we can provide a reliable resource for Emergency Management and the sheriff in Scott County.  We will also be regionally oriented, offering K9 Search services to any agency in the region.

This page, which is continually under construction, will be dedicated to photographs of Team members in training and during callouts. Those pictures should start appearing on this page within the next few days.



In order to call out members of the SEMO Regional K9 Search Team to participate in a search for a missing person, an email needs to be sent to     asking for the team to repond. The members will be contacted to determin availability, and the requesting agency will be advised.

This is a simple procedure that provides Scott County Emergency Management and the County Commissioners with situational awareness of the activities of all volunteer groups that provide services to Scott County.

To be considered an asset of Scott County Emergency Management, all volunteer groups are prohibited from self-deploying on  searches, and must have a written request to EMA  for assistance before we can activate team members. All Scott County Emergency Management assets are bound by these protocols.


About the Images

These images are of members of the SEMO Regional K9 Search Team in training. Callout pictures will appear on the Missions Page. We will continually add to the images as things progress.

Some of our members were MIA when Jennifer took the pictures, something called vacation. They will be included as circumstances permit.

You can enlarge the images and read the captions by clicking on the thumb nail picture. You can also view as a slide show by clicking on the arrow